How to install a water softener at home

Determine the size of water softener you need

Among the many things to consider when you are in the market for a water softener is the size of unit you need. This is important because if the unit is too small, it will not be able to adequately treat all the water coming into your home. If the unit is too large, it will waste water and unnecessarily increase your costs. There are a few factors to keep in mind when determining the size of softener you need. The first is the number of people in your household. The more people, the more water you will use and the larger the unit you will need. The second factor is the hardness of your water. The harder your water, the more salt it will require to soften it and the larger the unit you need. Finally, you should also consider your water usage patterns. If you use a lot of water at one time, such as for laundry or dishes, you will need a larger unit than if you have a low overall usage. By taking these factors into consideration, you can be sure to select a unit that is just right for your needs.

Choose a location for your water softener - it should be near a cold-water supply and drain

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a location for your water softener. First, it should be near a cold-water supply, as this is necessary for the unit to function properly. Second, it should be near a drain, as this will make it easier to install and maintain. Finally, it is important to choose a location that is out of the way, as the unit can be quite large and may not fit well in a small space. By keeping these factors in mind, you can be sure to choose the best location for your water softener.

Install the bypass valve, brine tank, and resin tank

The first step is to install the bypass valve. Take the bypass valve and remove the plugs. There are two plugs, one on either side. Remove these plugs and set them aside. With the plugs removed, you should see two ports. One of these ports is for the resin tank and the other is for the brine tank. Take the tubing that came with your water softener and connect one end to the port on the resin tank. The other end of this tubing will connect to one of the ports on the bypass valve. Next, take the tubing that came with your water softener and connect one end to the port on the brine tank. The other end of this tubing will connect to the remaining port on the bypass valve. Once both tubes are connected, you can replace the plugs on either side of the bypass valve. With the bypass valve installed, you can now move on to installing the brine tank and resin tank.

Connect the tubing and electrical supply to your water softener

Most water softeners come with an installation kit that includes everything you need to get your system up and running. First, you'll need to connect the supply tubing to the unit. Then, you'll need to connect the unit to an electrical outlet. Finally, you'll need to add salt to the brine tank. Once all of these connections are made, your water softener should be able to start softening your water immediately. However, if you're having trouble getting your system started, or if you have any other questions about your water softener, feel free to contact the manufacturer for assistance.

Add salt to the brine tank and run a regeneration cycle

Over time, the water softener will accumulate hardness minerals in the brine tank. These minerals need to be removed from the system in order for it to continue to function properly. The regeneration cycle is used to clean the water softener and remove these minerals. To start the regeneration cycle, add salt to the brine tank and then run the cycle. The water softener will automatically regenerate itself and be ready for use again.

Monitor your water softener's performance and make adjustments as needed

Any device that is responsible for treating water is going to require some amount of maintenance, and water softeners are no different. While they are designed to operate automatically, it's important to keep an eye on your water softener's performance and make adjustments as needed. Doing so will help to extend the life of your unit and ensure that it continues to operate effectively. There are a few key things to watch for: first, make sure that the salt level in the brine tank is where it should be. If it gets too low, the water softener will be less effective; if it gets too high, the unit could be damaged. Second, keep an eye on the flow rate of your water. If it starts to decrease, that could be a sign that the sediment filter needs to be cleaned or replaced. Finally, pay attention to the hardness of your water. If it starts to increase, that means the resin beads need to be replaced. By monitoring these key performance indicators, you can keep your water softener running smoothly for years to come.


Installing a water softener in your home can have a big impact on your daily life. Not only will you notice the difference in the feel of your skin and hair, but you'll also see a decrease in the amount of soap and detergent you need to use. And don't forget about those hard-to-clean dishes - with a water softener, they'll be easier than ever to clean. If you're considering purchasing a water softener for your home, be sure to check out our selection of salt pellets. Our salt is designed to work with all types of water softening systems, so no matter what brand or model you choose, we've got you covered. Have questions about how to install or maintain your new water softener? We're here to help. Give us a call today!

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